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What is ERGONOMICS? An  ergonomic  hazard is a physical factor within the environment that harms the musculoskeletal system . Ergonomic hazards  include themes such as repetitive movement, manual handling, workplace/job/task design, uncomfortable workstation height and poor body positioning.   What is CONTACT STRESS in ERGONOMICS? Internal  stress  occurs when a tendon, nerve, or blood vessel is stretched or bent around a bone or tendon. External  contact stress  occurs when part of your body rubs against a component of the workstation, such as the chair seat pan or edge of the desk. Nerves may be irritated or blood vessels constricted as a result. Job activities involving any of the ergonomic risk factors below may contribute to or result in an increased risk of strain and injury. Awkward postures. Bending. Compression or contact stress. Forceful exertions. Insufficient rest breaks. Lifting. Lighting Why ERGONOMICS is important in the workplac